Granville Curbside Recycling
Granville Curbside Recycling
Village of Granville: Village Council recently chose Rumpke to be the new trash & recycling provider for Village residents. Pickups are now on Mondays. The Village previously contracted with WIN Waste Innovations.
Contact Rumpke customer service at 1-800-828-8171 for questions about billing, cart size, and additional carts. Monthly trash & recycling fees are $22.90 for residents and $20.61 for seniors aged 65+. Visit to set up a free account and auto payments on a quarterly basis.
Granville Township offers curbside recycling to residents via Local Waste Services. Pickup is Mondays. View service guidelines & initiate service.
Recyclable materials from both the Village and the Township are transported to Rumpke material sorting facilities in Central Ohio.
See below for more information & answers to frequently asked questions about recycling in Granville.
What CAN be Recycled Curbside
What CAN be Recycled Curbside
Cardboard should fit inside the cart
Reattach lids. Clamshells, yogurt & fruit cups OK.
Metal Cans & Cups
Non-hazardous, non-flammable material only; remove lids
Glass Bottles & Jars
Any color
Remove caps and straws.
Challenging plastics such as candy and granola wraps, plastic fruit bags, cheese wrappers, takeout container and plastic cutlery can be collected in specially marked Hefty ReNew Orange Bags & placed in Granville curbside recycling bins
Recycling Option for Challenging Plastics
Recycling Option for Challenging Plastics
Some plastics, like candy wrappers, foam cups, and plastic utensils, are not accepted in traditional curbside recycling programs. The Hefty ReNew Orange Bag Program, however, offers a new option for these hard-to-recycle plastics. When collected in Hefty's orange ReNew bags, these challenging plastics are collected, shredded & made into manufactured lumber for benches and picnic tables.
The orange ReNew bags are available for purchase at local Kroger stores (or request a free starter pack) and once filled, can be placed in recycling bins to be sorted by Rumpke as part of Granville's curbside recycling program.
Go Green Granville Tests ReNew Bags
Go Green Granville Tests ReNew Bags
While single use plastics should be avoided whenever possible, the Hefty ReNew Orange Bag Program offers an opportunity for Granville residents to recycle normally non-recyclable plastics such as candy wrappers, to-go containers, plastic cutlery, chip bags and frozen fruit bags.
Go Green Granville set up candy wrapper collection stations on Trick-or-Treat night on Granger Street to test the orange Hefty ReNew bags. Go Green Granville continues to investigate the end uses, life cycle assessment and overall climate impact of this soft plastic recycling program. We are planning a tour of the Rumpke Recycling & Resource Center in Spring 2025. Stay tuned for more details!
What Can NOT be Recycled Curbside
What Can NOT be Recycled Curbside
plastic bags, cassette tapes, bed sheets, hangers
metal chains, garden hoses, buckets, car parts, scrap metal
batteries, needles, syringes, electronics, polystyrene foam, light bulbs
drinking glasses, ceramics, pots, pans, food, yard waste
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Some materials like aluminum cans and glass bottles are infinitely recyclable. This means the same raw materials can be utilized over and over again, rather than extracting raw materials from the earth to create new products.
Denison Recycling Center
Denison Recycling Center
Located at 1381 North Street, the Denison University/Granville Community Recycling Center offers a convenient drop off location for recyclable materials. "The Red Barn" accepts paper, cardboard, glass, plus metal and aluminum cans. It also offers electronic recycling Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Recycling Drop Off
Recycling Drop Off
A public drop off site for recyclable materials is located at 1181 River Road near Raccoon Valley Park in Granville Township. The bins accept the same materials as the curbside recycling program, which include paper products, plastics, metal cans, glass bottles, and jars. (see illustrations above).
If you have questions or want to learn more about recycling in our region, go to Licking County Recycling's website or view their Facebook page. They also offer group talks, site visits, and tours of Rumpke’s new Material Recovery Facility.
Granville Township Public Recycling Drop-Off at 1181 River Road. Photo courtesy of Licking County Recycling.
Repair & Reuse Before You Recycle
Recycle Right
Recycle Right
Participate in Curbside Recycling
Mix all items together – no separation required
Empty all bottles, jugs and cans
No need to remove labels
For plastic bottles, empty, crush and reattach lids
For cartons, remove plastic caps and straws
NEVER place medical sharps or needles in the recycling
Follow the Recycling Guidelines
“Wish-Cycling” or placing items into the recycling bin that are not actually recyclable is a big problem for recycling facilities. Rumpke has provided information regarding recyclable materials in the following flier. See illustration of acceptable materials above.
Be mindful of batteries and “tangling” materials
Batteries create fires at recycling facilities daily.
Tangling Items include hoses, rope, dog leashes, clothing and plastic bags. These items are easily caught in rotating recycling processing equipment, greatly reducing the effectiveness of the recycling process.
Buy Less. Share More.
Buy Less. Share More.
Buy Nothing Granville Facebook groups provide an easy way to offer items to give away, lend, or share locally. You can also request anything you're looking for or simply want to borrow, rather than buying something new. The two Granville-area groups (North and South) allow residents to reduce waste via a hyper-local gift economy.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
What day of the week is recycling picked up in Granville?
Starting on November 4th, 2024, trash & recycling will be picked up on Mondays for residents of both the Village and the Township. Rumpke handles recycling for Village residents. Local Waste Service handles recycling for Granville Township residents
Note: collection will be delayed by one day on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
I'm having an issue with recycling. Who should I contact?
It depends on if you live in the Village or the Township. If you live in...
Village of Granville: Through October 31, 2024, WIN Waste Innovations handles residential recycling pickup in the Village of Granville. You can contact WIN customer service line via email, chat text or phone. Starting on November 1, 2024, Rumpke will take over recycling within the Village. Contact Rumpke customer service at 1-800-828-8171 for questions about billing, cart size, and additional carts. Visit to set up a free account and auto payments on a quarterly basis.
Granville Township: Local Waste Services handles residential recycling in Granville Township. Contact Local Waste Services customer service via email or phone.
Should I rinse jars and cans before throwing in the recycling bin?
Yes, please rinse containers like sauce jars and milk jugs before recycling. Contamination decreases the likelihood that plastic will be recycled.
Can I recycle plastic lids?
Keep screw-on plastic lids attached to beverage bottles, or toss them in the trash. They’re too small to recycle on their own and can disrupt sorting machines.
Have additional recycling questions? Learn more from our recycling sorter, Rumpke.
What kind of paper can be recycled in Granville?
mixed office paper and envelopes
paperboard (cereal boxes)
pizza boxes free of food debris and grease
telephone books and catalogs
Paper Cups (remove/discard lids, straws and stoppers):
Fast food beverage cups
coffee cups
Dixie cups
What kind of plastics can be recycled in Granville?
Bottles (empty, crush, reattach lid):
milk jugs
soda bottles
laundry detergent bottles
water bottles
shampoo bottles
contact solution bottles
Tubs (Lids should be reattached prior to recycling):
butter containers
sour cream containers
cottage cheese containers
yogurt containers
Jello and fruit slices containers
Fast food beverage cups (remove/discard straw, reattach lid)
NEW: Clamshells (blueberry and strawberry containers)
What kind of metal can be recycled in Granville?
aluminum cans
steel cans and lids
empty aerosol cans
What kind of carton can be recycled in Granville?
milk cartons
juice cartons
soup cartons
wine cartons
broth cartons
What can NOT be recycled curbside in Granville?
No plastic bags, cassette tapes, bed sheets, hangers, metal chains, garden hoses, batteries, needles, syringes, electronics, polystyrene foam, buckets, car parts, food, yard waste, light bulbs, drinking glasses, ceramics, pots, pans, and scrap metal.
According to Granville's recycling sorter, Rumpke, you should avoid trying to recycle plastic grocery bags, wrappers, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, foam egg cartons, polystyrene, or motor oil.
Spring Valley Nature Preserve | Photo by Susan King